With the rise of intelligent alternatives to traditional lighting a change is appropriate for the packaging of this lighting. With the Brilliant light bulb packaging consumers will be presented with smart packaging that is useful to them as more than a container. The Objective is to change the consumers idea about lighting products by changing their experience of the product. The opening and use of the packaging is designed in such a way that the consumer benefits from the packaging. The packaging for this
product serves to be more than just a way to protect the product. The packaging aids the consumer in changing light bulbs then have a second life as a decorative lampshade. With each layer of the packaging the consumer removes they find more uses for the package.
The Brilliant box can be used to unscrew hot bulbs and beyond that can be reconstructed into a decorative lampshade. This second and third life for the package will lead to less waste being
produced by this product. The Brilliant packaging will provide and easy and fun way for consumers to switch to a smarter more responsible lighting product.