Spirited is a line of children’s toys that tries to capture the sense of energy and wonder that all children possess. To do this the brand focuses on the interactivity between the children and the brand itself. I looked at many of the toy brands on the market and tried to analyze what I thought made them work and what could be improved. All of the line’s packaging is designed to become a coloring surface for the children. The original designs for the packaging involved a much more cluttered color palette which began to detract from the idea and
visual motif of the coloring book. The designs from the early stages were maintained but the colors were simplified greatly. The pattern were then altered to be more relevant to each of the products.
To bring more color into the packaging in a way that relates more to the idea of the coloring book families are encouraged to submit their children’s artwork. To keep this element of interactivity with the brand children and their parents can submit more of their artwork to the website to possibly
become future covers for the toy packaging. The brand pushes this coloring element in both its packaging and its advertisement. Print ads are specifically design to also become a surface for children to color as creatively as they would like while at the same time advertising specific toys.